PowerShell: Active Directory Cleanup – Part 4 – Unsupported Windows Operating Systems


Welcome to part 4 in my Active Directory Cleanup Series. This part is concentrated on pulling a report of Windows Operating Systems that are obsolete/unsupported. Using this report you can review them and decide if they should be removed or upgraded.

Script 1: Long 1 liner.

The following script was posted on one of our blogs. It’s essentially a long 1 line script if you remove the cls. Take a look at the way it uses the filter to select what operating systems it believes is unsupported.

Get-ADcomputer -Filter {(operatingsystem -like "*xp*") -or (operatingsystem -like "*vista*") -or (operatingsystem -like "*Windows NT*")-or (operatingsystem -like "*2000*") -or (operatingsystem -like "*2003*")} -Property Name,OperatingSystem,OperatingSystemServicePack,lastlogontimestamp,enabled | where {$_.enabled -eq $true} | Format-Table Name,OperatingSystem,OperatingSystemServicePack,@{name="lastlogontimestamp"; expression={[datetime]::fromfiletime($_.lastlogontimestamp)}} -Wrap -AutoSize

Script 2: My preferred way

Script 2 uses some of my recommended ways to build a reusable script. It includes help, comments, parameters, CSV file creation, and pulls anything older than Windows 10 1809 by default.

Function Get-OldOperatingSystems {
        This Function searches Active Directory for old operating systems.
        This Function searches Active Directory for old operating systems.

        .PARAMETER OperatingSystemVersion
            The version of the operating to consider as the minimum supported operating system.  The default value is 10.0.17763 which is Windows 10 1809.

        .PARAMETER ExportToCSV
            If specified location and CSV file to output the results. Default is the script directory location and a file named OldOperatingSystems_yyyyMMss.csv.


        Old OS Computers Found: 5
        Output was sent to D:\Scripts\ActiveDirectory\OldOperatingSystems_20200108.csv

        Name            Enabled OperatingSystem       OperatingSystemServicePack OperatingSystemVersion IPv4Address    LastLogonDate          PasswordLastSet        OSBuild   
        ----            ------- ---------------       -------------------------- ---------------------- -----------    -------------          ---------------        -------   
        COMPUTER1          True Windows 10 Enterprise                            10.0 (16299)      12/31/2019 12:01:55 AM 12/12/2019 6:40:53 PM  10.0.16299
        COMPUTER2         False Windows 7 Enterprise  Service Pack 1             6.1 (7601)                                                                          6.1.7601  
        COMPUTER3         False Windows 10 Enterprise                            10.0 (14393)                          3/19/2019 5:57:25 PM   3/19/2019 6:10:19 PM   10.0.14393
        COMPUTER4          True Windows 10 Enterprise                            10.0 (16299)   1/3/2020 8:50:46 PM    12/12/2019 9:32:25 PM  10.0.16299
        COMPUTER5         False Windows 10 Enterprise                            10.0 (16299)                          11/12/2019 11:00:58 PM 9/17/2019 3:12:49 PM   10.0.16299

        Get-OldOperatingSystems -OperatingSystemVersion "10.0.16300"

        Old OS Computers Found: 4
        Output was sent to D:\Scripts\ActiveDirectory\OldOperatingSystems_20200108.csv

        Name            Enabled OperatingSystem       OperatingSystemServicePack OperatingSystemVersion IPv4Address    LastLogonDate          PasswordLastSet        OSBuild   
        ----            ------- ---------------       -------------------------- ---------------------- -----------    -------------          ---------------        -------   
        COMPUTER1          True Windows 10 Enterprise                            10.0 (16299)      12/31/2019 12:01:55 AM 12/12/2019 6:40:53 PM  10.0.16299
        COMPUTER2         False Windows 7 Enterprise  Service Pack 1             6.1 (7601)                                                                          6.1.7601  
        COMPUTER4          True Windows 10 Enterprise                            10.0 (16299)   1/3/2020 8:50:46 PM    12/12/2019 9:32:25 PM  10.0.16299
        COMPUTER5         False Windows 10 Enterprise                            10.0 (16299)                          11/12/2019 11:00:58 PM 9/17/2019 3:12:49 PM   10.0.16299

        Get-OldOperatingSystems -OperatingSystemVersion "10.0.16300" -ExportToCSV "C:\Reports\OldOSs.csv"

        Old OS Computers Found: 4
        Output was sent to C:\Reports\OldOSs.csv

        Name            Enabled OperatingSystem       OperatingSystemServicePack OperatingSystemVersion IPv4Address    LastLogonDate          PasswordLastSet        OSBuild   
        ----            ------- ---------------       -------------------------- ---------------------- -----------    -------------          ---------------        -------   
        COMPUTER1          True Windows 10 Enterprise                            10.0 (16299)      12/31/2019 12:01:55 AM 12/12/2019 6:40:53 PM  10.0.16299
        COMPUTER2         False Windows 7 Enterprise  Service Pack 1             6.1 (7601)                                                                          6.1.7601  
        COMPUTER4          True Windows 10 Enterprise                            10.0 (16299)   1/3/2020 8:50:46 PM    12/12/2019 9:32:25 PM  10.0.16299
        COMPUTER5         False Windows 10 Enterprise                            10.0 (16299)                          11/12/2019 11:00:58 PM 9/17/2019 3:12:49 PM   10.0.16299

        Windows 10 Build Versions - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/release-information/

        Operating System Versions - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/sysinfo/operating-system-version


        # # of days ago to purge
        [Version]$OperatingSystemVersion = "10.0.17763",
        # Specifies to export to the specified csv file
        [String] $ExportToCSV = $($PSScriptRoot + "\OldOperatingSystems_" + $(Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd) +".csv")
    $AllProperties = $("Name","Enabled","OperatingSystem","OperatingSystemServicePack","OperatingSystemVersion","IPv4Address","LastLogonDate","PasswordLastSet") 
    $AllPropertiesPlusBuild = $AllProperties + @{name="OSBuild"; expression={([Version](($_.OperatingSystemVersion -replace " \(",".") -replace "\)",""))}}
    $OldOSs = $null
    $OldOSs = Get-ADComputer -Filter {OperatingSystem -like "*Windows*" -and OperatingSystem -notlike "*server*"} -Properties $AllProperties | Select-Object $AllPropertiesPlusBuild | ? {$_.OSBuild -lt $OperatingSystemVersion}
    If ($OldOSs) {
        $OldOSs | Export-Csv -Path $ExportToCSV -NoTypeInformation -Force
        Write-Output "Old OS Computers Found: $($OldOSs.count)"
        Write-Output "Output was sent to $ExportToCSV"
        $OldOSs | FT -AutoSize
    } Else {
        Write-Output "No old operating systems returned that were below $OperatingSystemVersion"


Running a quick 1 line command is great for spur of the moment requirements. However, if you invest a few extra minutes to build in parameters, file output and a couple decisions you end up with a script that you can add to your repository, reuse and share with colleagues with pride. Stay tuned for more in this series of PowerShell: Active Directory Cleanup.

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