eBook Available for Managing Azure Sentinel with PowerShell

Just quick heads-up post.

A good buddy of mine and Microsoft MVP, Kaido Järvemets, hinted yesterday that he would was putting together a guide for those just beginning to work with the new PowerShell module for Azure Sentinel.

Details about the PowerShell module here: Official Azure Sentinel PowerShell Module Released – Azure Cloud & AI Blog

I had actually planned to blog about the options for the PowerShell module this week and include some sample scripts, but when I heard Kaido had been working with it already, I held back. Kaido has always been a PowerShell wiz, so when I heard he was working on this, I knew it was in the best hands. And, as a long time community person, I also know the best things come as a result of community work.

The eBook and all script examples are available from Kaido’s GitHub repo here: https://github.com/Kaidja/AzSentinelPowerShell

Have fun…and make sure to thank Kaido for his work. You can connect with Kaido on Twitter at @kaidja


[Want to discuss this further? Hit me up on Twitter or LinkedIn]

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